How to Move Beyond the DIY Transition to Encore Careers

Editor’s note: This column appeared in BusinessWeek’s special report, “The Case Against Retirement.” After 25 years of climbing her first ladder at Hewlett-Packard, Gina Cassinelli knew it was time for a change. “All of a sudden, you wake...

Rosabeth Kanter Calls for Social Logic in ‘SuperCorp’

Last week I spent the evening at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco, listening to Harvard Business School Professor Rosabeth Moss Kanter talk about her new book, SuperCorp: How Vanguard Companies Create Innovation, Profits, Growth, and Social Good, and field...

Generation E: The Boomers’ Legacy

Sarah Kershaw of The New York Times called me recently to ask about the impact on the psyche of baby boomers of all the celebrity deaths of the past few months. From Michael Jackson (50) and Farah Fawcett (62), through Patrick Swayze (56) and Mary Travers (of Peter,...

No Country for Old People?

We boomers never imagined 30 years of R&R. But not many of us will be able to afford it, either, no matter how hard we save. But what work will boomers do? How will the largest, healthiest, best-educated and longest-living generation in American history spend the...