We’ve changed our name from Encore.org to CoGenerate! Join us at cogenerate.org to bridge generational divides and co-create the future.

We’ve changed our name from Encore.org to CoGenerate! Join us at cogenerate.org to bridge generational divides and co-create the future.

“Boomers are America’s most philanthropic generation, expected to give $6.6 billion in cash and $1.4 trillion in volunteer services over the next 20 years. Yet most (85%) spend less than five minutes a week researching before giving, often donating with their heart but forgetting to engage their head. My goal is to inspire all donors to be more thoughtful and strategic.”

Sylvia Brown

Following her BS and MA degrees at the University of Pennsylvania, Sylvia pursued a career in international development, from Wall Street to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, before launching Uplifting Journeys, boot camps for smarter donors that teach the principles of “giving with impact” through workshops and curated volunteer experiences in locations around the world. She recently published “Grappling With Legacy – Rhode Island’s Brown Family and the American Philanthropic Impulse” about the history of American charitable giving, told through the 300-year story of one family. Today, Sylvia is focusing on developing an online version of her course and making “smart giving” accessible to all donors.


Learn more here about the Encore Public Voices Fellowship, which supports diverse voices focusing on aging, longevity and the intergenerational opportunity. 

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