Tracie Andrews

San Antonio, TX

One of the top 5 reasons I fell in love with my husband was because of his involvement with the Elf Louise Christmas Project, a community-based 100% volunteer organization in San Antonio, Texas. My husband and I have been a core volunteers for over 25 years, and each year we can’t get into the holiday spirit until we see the faces of the kids when they come to pick up their gifts, all wrapped and ready to put under the tree to be opened on Christmas morning.

Big Brothers Big Sisters National LogoAnd it’s because of my volunteer service that I remain in the nonprofit arena, working for Big Brothers Big Sisters of South Texas as Director of Engagement. This organization also serves youth by providing one-to-one mentors. Its vision is that all children achieve success in life, which is very simple to do with just the gift of time from our volunteers.


Nationwide more than 30,000 “Littles” are waiting to be matched with a “Big” Sister or Brother.


I grew up in an upper-middle class family in the 60’s and 70’s. Our living room at Christmas looked like Toys R Us for my sister and I. Our mother didn’t have to work and my father provided for us very well. As a young child, I never appreciated how much we had, and now in my older years, I try to selflessly give back wherever and whenever I can.

2008 was a hard year for a lot of people. When the recession hit, so many were affected and my husband and I had to tighten our belts in order to make ends meet. When Christmas came that year, the need for donations increased exponentially. There was one little girl in particular whose eyes lit up when we brought the bag of gifts to her mother.

At the pick up station, my husband always sets aside a few extra toys – some dolls, stuffed animals, etc. – that don’t make it to wrapping station. When he handed her a huge stuffed teddy bear, my heart was filled with so much joy as she hugged the bear to her chest. She looked up at us, smiled, and said thank you, giving both of us great big hugs. I was overjoyed. It takes just a little to bring a lot of happiness to those who are less fortunate.

Older workers may take slightly longer to do some tasks, but once we learn, look out! There’s no stopping us. I am loyal and show up when and where I’m supposed to be. I’m not intimidated by working for younger bosses, and am not afraid to venture outside my comfort zone.