Experience an Asset for Social Innovators

Last week I wrote an OpEd for Reuters.com on why age and experience can be advantageous for social entrepreneurs. It’s part of a series on social entrepreneurship on the Reuters “Entrepreneurial: Grow Your Own” blog, and it includes examples of...

Wellness Coaches Use Experience to Advantage

As people age and continue to live active lives, their interest in living well becomes more important than living longer. After all, no one is too excited about longevity if all that it means is a couple of extra decades of decline. Meanwhile, as employers try to keep...

Expert Offers Tips on Financing Your Encore

For those of us trying to plan financially for the life stage formerly known as retirement, Mark Miller’s new book, The Hard Times Guide to Retirement Security, is required reading. My eyes tend to glaze over when I read about concepts like 401(k)s or annuities,...

Shirley Sagawa: What National Service Could Do

“Imagine a nation that serves. A nation where every year a million citizens serve in full-time national service and a hundred million more volunteer a hundred hours a year in their own communities. Every town has well-trained disaster response volunteers, and...

9 Tips for Preparing for the Jobs of the Future

It might be hard to believe in the midst of this enduring recession, but once the economy stabilizes, we will likely be moving from a job crisis to a talent shortage. A new research report sponsored by Encore.org and MetLife Foundation predicts that in less than 10...

Could You Live With Half – of Anything?

“We didn’t set out to be obnoxious consuming yuppies,” said Kevin Salwen, as he opened the discussion of the book he wrote with his daughter, Hannah, The Power of Half at a New York City bookstore one snowy night in February. The room was filled with...