15 Questions for Encore Thinkers: Cal Halvorsen

Just who’s writing, thinking and talking about the encore movement? Encore.org’s new feature showcases some of the behind-the-scenes players who don’t often get time in the spotlight. Do you want to answer the Encore 15Qs? Better still, is there...

Wise Aging: Joy and Resilience in the Encore Years

Rabbi Rachel Cowan and Dr. Linda Thal have written a new book, “Wise Aging: Living with Joy, Resilience and Spirit” (available here), that challenges readers to question preconceived notions of aging and ask what it truly means to live a life of connection and...

15 Questions for Encore Thinkers: Stacey Easterling

Just who’s writing, thinking and talking about the encore movement? Encore.org set out to find out – with this new feature, designed to showcase some of the behind-the-scenes players who don’t often get time in the spotlight. We’re experimenting and...